Friday, February 1, 2013

The Need for A Miracle

We have surpassed the year mark of waiting for a signature. Hence, we are in the process of updating our home study again so we can extend our immigration papers with the U.S Government.  Once you start the immigration papers you must continue updating them or the case is considered abandoned.
 We need a MIRACLE in a BIG way. 
Let me share with you the following email we were sent by the orphanage director Jan 10.  Yes it has taken me that long to process it and reprocess it.  To be clear before you read it:  the dossiers she is talking about are our 3.

Hi Wade and Jill,

I just posted an adoption update on the blog and then I received your email! We met with the lawyer and a formal inquiry has been made by IBESR and the Ministry of Justice to the Bureau of the President asking them to do a search for the dossiers that have been waiting almost exactly a year in Dispensation. IBESR kept telling us to be patient and wait. It seems to have been taking others about 6 to 9 months and there is no order in the way they come out. We first inquired with IBESR formally back in September/October. Then we spoke to the Minister of Justice and he said IBESR had resent a copy of all of the dossiers but they did not resend the files because they didn’t want the dossiers to be relogged in to the system and have to wait more time. So finally in November (the end), the Ministry of Justice sent this letter formally asking them to search and find your dossier. We have not heard anything yet and the lawyer is checking with them asking for a reply. Hopefully, we will hear something soon and then we will notify you.

Is your jaw on the floor? If you are confused let me translate for you: They are trying to find our dossier(paperwork) since Sept./Oct.    Adopting from Haiti is not for the faint of heart I tell you.  We need as many prayers as you can pester God with.  We serve a God who is bigger than any challenge we face. We need an army of prayers.  Put this on your personal list, your church list, anyone who likes to pray as them to pray for this situation.  Please.   

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