Sunday, January 29, 2012

That Smile!

I fell in love with this little boy the moment I saw him.  His smile lights up any picture!  He made me wonder how can he smile so much that his eyes twinkle, living in such hard conditions?  Did he know that today his life would change forever?  Today would be the last day he would see his mom. And if he had some knowledge of that why was he still smiling at this white woman(maybe the first white woman he's ever seen) that is taking his picture?  
   When I first read the blog about these children, I heard a small quite voice tell me that these were my/our children.  I was a little in shock because adopting more than one 1 child was never in our thinking.  It was a safe thing to expand the family by 1 more.  We could easily do that, but 3 would be an out of the comfort zone challenge.  We didn't think about having more sons, just another daughter.  Yet the idea of having 4 sons and 2 daughters was appealing., and we would be an even numbered household so everyone would have a riding partner at Kings Island!  I guess God knows I enjoy and even thrive with challenge.  Tell me I can't do it and I'll  prove you wrong.  I've been that way since birth-- a quality God knew would come in handy in my lifetime here. 
   It made me sad that the orphanage director thought that it would be hard to find and adoptive family for  these children and so she didn't take the oldest.  Does the older sister wonder why she didn't get to stay?  I often wonder if she is still alive.  Is she being abused physically or sexually?  Does she have food? Where does she sleep?  Does she miss her brothers and little sister?
 After reading the blog, I was full of questions---like OK God if these are our children you've got to make a way for this to happen cause right now we don't even qualify because we have too many kids.  It still makes no sense to me how having biological children already makes it harder for you to adopt from another country. I also saw on the blog that other people commented that they were interested in them.  I thought that for sure another family would be matched with them before God worked a miracle.  But our timing is not God's and we He moves it often happens when we least expect it.  I really didn't expect HIM to move mountains in 5 days from the date I saw them.  May 12, 2011 to May 17, 2011.

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